Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, April 8, 2024
Brothers and Sisters, My Invitation Is to Love One Another, Do Not Judge, but Love One Another As True Brothers and Sisters
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on April 7, 2023, First Sunday of the Month, Divine Mercy Day

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is in your midst.
My children, I love you all immensely, without preference, I rejoice and weep with you, I am always close to you, especially when you pray from the heart, I love to listen to your prayers. I always listen to the prayers of all the sick, those who suffer in the body, who are discouraged, who experience moments of anxiety, fear, discouragement, loneliness, I am close to all of them. Soon, many will be those who will be healed by My Son Jesus, the world will experience great miracles, so that God's people will regain faith, it will be yet another mercy that God the Father Almighty will bestow on mankind, before great supernatural events occur that will bring souls to a great purification.
My children, the world will experience the Apocalypse, many do not believe it, many put limits on God the Father Almighty, but know My children, that nothing is impossible to the Holy Trinity, many times He has shown it to you, since the times that My Son Jesus rose from the dead. Even the Church does not believe completely, it too puts limits, and that is why God the Father Almighty will take power away from it completely, My Son Jesus instituted the sacrament of salvation, giving power to all who do His will. Many things will change in the world and the Church, God's people will follow other paths leading to salvation, this will be the punishment for destroying the Third Secret of Fatima. Pray, pray, pray, to see, for your eyes are closed, along with your hearts, but prayer recited with perseverance opens your eyes and shows you the way forward. Many you need peace, serenity, you need to forgive your neighbor and yourself, evil makes you live in the fight between your heart and mind, My Son Jesus is your salvation, only He can give you true peace, true joy, true love. He desires to speak to you.
I love you My children, always call upon Me, for I desire to be always beside you.
Now I must leave you, give you a kiss, and bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.
Brothers, sisters, it is I, your Brother Jesus, the One who has conquered death and sin, I am your Savior, the King of Kings, I have descended with great power, together with God the Father Almighty, together with Mary the Virgin Most Holy, My Mother, your Mother and the Mother of the whole world.
The Angels and the Saints prayed together with you, Their presence helped you to pray from the heart. Brothers and sisters, I love you, I love you, I love you, My mercy for the whole world is great, it is infinite, but I am very sad for all the souls that are being lost, evil is against humanity, it turns you against each other.
Brothers and sisters, I weep tears of blood for many consecrated men and women who have been caught up in modernism, many of them are lapsed, pray, pray for these souls who do not know what they are doing, pray for the Vatican, that the Cardinals may repent and tell the truth they know, to the whole world, so that many souls may be saved. Brothers and sisters, sin abounds more and more in the world, because humanity is unaware of what is happening and what will happen very soon. Brothers, sisters, pray, pray with all your heart and free yourselves from everything that draws you away from salvation, My mercy is great for all those who repent of their mistakes, their sins. Brothers and sisters, I am always ready to forgive, to love, what I want for you is salvation, not everyone understands how great My mercy and My love is, the Holy Trinity does everything to help you, open your hearts, and you will understand how much Heaven loves you.
Brothers and sisters, My invitation is to love one another, do not judge, but love one another as true brothers and sisters.
Brothers and sisters, I must go now, but I say to you: have faith, have faith in Me and never fear anything. I give you the blessing of the Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Peace My brothers, peace My sisters.